1) Opening—President’s Welcome: Opening 17:31 lcl
2) Acceptance of the Draft Minutes AGM 2018: The minutes are accepted unanimously.
3) Reports:
a) President’s Message: Nothing to add to the report.
b) Executive Secretary: Nothing to add to the report.
c) Professional and Technical Work items
i) Optimized Sector Manning project (OSM):
(1) The project lead was passed on from Robert Parys to Rüdiger Ehrmanntraut. Ian Middleton shared our surprise about simulating single-men-operations as one of the possible options last week. On Friday we will have a meeting with Rüdiger, the OSM/night project manager, to discuss the project in more detail.
(2) OSM/MSP is planned for a OPS trial (Jever/Holstein) in November and we will make sure we will be present as well.
ii) CSS 2.0: Nothing to add to the report.
iii) Professional Behaviour Committee (PBC): Adrian reports that the Staff Committee is pushing for official terms of reference for the PBC.
iv) Roster Revision Team (RRT): It is still not known when the fair share tool will be available. At least not before Feb 2020 at the very earliest.
v) Training section: The pass-rate of the first round of Abinitios is very promising. We hope the success rate will continue. There are still adjustments being made in the training to even improve the quality. Next year the intake is foreseen to increase from 26 to 36 Abinitios per year.
vi) INREP: The number of reports is dropping.
d) Membership: We recently had a spike in applications.
e) IFATCA: EGATS is investigation in the organization of the European Regional Meeting in 2020 and we already have been assured to get support from DIRMAS.
f) Flight Department: We are very happy with Vincent’s work and the new deals that were established. The flight department is far more busy at the moment than in previous years.
g) Photo competition 2019: Nothing to add to the report.
h) Treasurer
– Overview 2018
– Audit Committee—Discharge of Treasurer for 2018: Steven is unanimously discharged
– Budget 2019: approved
4) Approval to extend the board: The motion is approved unanimously.
5) Elections EB 2019: Due to the extension of the board no elections were necessary and all “old” board members standing for re-election (Frederic, Michael, Viktor, Steven, Adrian and Jaakko) are confirmed. On top of that we are very happy to welcome Robert Klos as newly appointed board member.
6) Election Audit Committee/Election Committee: Due to lack of volunteers Michael will
contact the committees from last year to ask them to volunteer again.
7) Work items for the upcoming year:
a) OSM: Our main work item at present is taking up a lot of time. As well we constantly
have to fight to get invited/involved to stay in the picture.
b) Military integration/harmonisation: Sascha is following this mainly.
8) AOB:
a) Clare announced to step down from her function as CISM administrator in the
beginning of 2020. One of the reasons is that she didn’t get the AoDs needed within
her working time, which are necessary to get the job done. Normally an ATCO on a
official side-track is foreseen as administrator, and there are no side-tracks possible
in EOS. Presently we are discussing with management the possibility to assign Clare
the 15 AoDs the CISM administrator is entitled to within the working time. If we will be
successful, Clare hopefully reconsiders her decision and continues her excellent
work. If not the 15 AoDs will have to come from ATCO pool, which is not desirable,
looking at the staffing issues we are facing in MUAC.
b) We are invited to join the innovation and engagement group and will discuss this
further at the next board meeting.
c) After asking for it, we did get an introduction into the ARGOS project, which is aiming
at automation of ATC. We will take this up as well as part of our work.
d) We are planning to establish a concept to work closer together with TUEM. After
Frederic stepping down from the TUEM board we feel the need to investigate
different ways to collaborate in the future.
9) Closing 19:20