Become a member
EGATS membership bestows the following entitlements:
- The right to attend General Meetings [O,C,H,CA)
- The right to vote [O,H]
- The right to vote by proxy [O,H]
- Eligibility for election to the Executive Board [O]
- Eligibility for a seat on a Standing Committee [O,H]
- The right to a subscription to the Association’s publications [O,C,H,CA]
- IFATCA affiliation for those members complying with Article 4.2.a of the Constitution [O,H]
- Access to familiarization flights made available by the Flight Department of the Association on a priority level and subject to prevailing Flight Department conditions [O,H]
O = Ordinary members
H = Honorary members (as appointed by the AGM)
C = Candidate members
CA = Corporate and Affiliate members
New members can be accepted from the first day of each calendar month. Payment of the membership fee and the one-time joining fee must be received by the treasurer within two calendar months of the commencement of the Membership or the application will be cancelled without prior consultation. Applications shall be made on a standard application form, completely filled in and accompanied by a photocopy of the ATC license(s), and one passport-photo.
If you would like to apply for membership of EGATS, please use this (pdf) form.